My first attempt!
So... I have a confession as to why I have decided to start this world of blogging. I have a slight obsession with reading other people's blog. I am not sure why, but I find the simple and complex things of other's lives intriguing. So here is my first attempt at this whole blog idea!!
My life is pretty simple yet complicated all in the same context. I have grown up in an amazing Christian home my entire life. I was blessed with wonderful parents, a brother that I adore, and a sister that in the last few years I have grown to have a special love for. By the way- I love the word SPECIAL! Let me explain. It was my senior year in high school when I felt a calling to be a special education teacher. I tried to run from it, but it got me. So I now have the amazing privilege of teaching what others call the "special" students. They are indeed special, but not in ways that most people use the word. They are special not because they are different then others that call themselves normal, but because on a REALLY bad day they are the ones that make you smile, that bring a happiness to your life that is beyond comprehension. It is an innocence that is indescribable. Right now I work specifically with at risk behavior students. And I think I have found just what part of the "special" ed world I love! They are challenging yet rewarding. Reason #2 I love the word Special- the definition...unique or specific to a person or thing. I love being unique. I love that some people are special in our lives, that my family is special (not just because they are special to me but because we really are "special"- I will explain in another blog entry) and that God's love for me is special! Now back to the blog.
My hubby and I got married on December 9, 2006 and my life changed. I became a wife and a step mother. I had always dreamed of that special day and mine was everything I had always wanted and more! My step daughter and I have a special relationship. She is a precious girl that has gone through more in her 12 years of life than I think I ever will. (she just turned 12 and is going on 20 :)) I pray daily that I can be a Godly woman in her life. We moved away for the first year and a half of our marriage to hubby's hometown and have just moved back to good ole AC! We have bought our first house together and are totally in love with it!
This summer was rough for us. We decided we were ready to start a family of our own. Little did we know, but starting a family was not as simple as we thought. A lot of this blog will discuss how finding out we are unable to have children on our own has made our life so special. It has created emotions in me that I never knew exsisted, has brought my husband and I closer and made me learn what real Faith in Christ is all about... I hope you enjoy reading as I go through a "special" journey that has changed my life. We have not given up that we will one day have a family, but we have learned it is not in our timing but in HIS!!
A quick intro of important people (I may not have pics of everyone... but I will do my best)
The Hubby and me

The step daughter (SD)
My amazing mom- "Ya-ya"

YEH! I am the first to comment and to follow! I loved your first post and I cannot wait to read more!! You must be my second daughter...I have an obsession with reading Blogs too!! I read lots of blogs where girls have suffered with infertility....and lots of them have a GREAT outcome and story to tell! Jenny has a blog too. I'm sure you saw hers on my comments!!Keep writing sweet girl! It's good for the soul! I love you!
Oh, and I love the new look today!!
Blogging is addictive by the way
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