Look who I got to meet!
A friend that has been an inspiration to me and like another mother, Love Being a Nonny, has tagged me in post. The tag is to name 10 things "unknown" about me. It might be a little difficult, but I'm gonna try!
Im still here!! I have been sooo busy with end of year paperwork and testing. EC teachers live in paperwork the last weeks of school! Its almost over and I have a lot of updating to do! Dont worry Im still alive and coming back soon!!
Hi guys! I have taken a small break from the blog world just to deal with things. Things are going good right now. I am starting to focus on losing all the weight I have gained on the fertility drugs. I got a good 20 lbs just from the drugs... not to mention I could stand to loose about 20 more! So I am going back to the gym and tanning bed (I know its bad for you- but I need it!). Its nice to return back to everyday life in a way. Things are busy which is good for now! Hubby's new job is going great and the Lord is really blessing him in that way!
How amazing that we serve a God that is Alive! Even with all that we have been going through I still stand amazed at what an incredible God we serve. He gave His life that I might live.... how can you not serve Him! Happy Easter!
BFN....I am speechless at the moment. This was our last try and last attempt. I never thought it would not be part of Gods plan for me to not have my own children...but I guess thats our God, its His plan not mine. I just wish I could understand why.....
Today was the day that I went to get my blood taken and get the results of our FET. I have to admit that hubby and I took a test yesterday since he wouldnt be with me today for the results. I was absolutely devastated to see that it was negative. I immediately gave up hope...but I have amazing friends and family. Who reminded me we serve an amazing God and a God of miracles....So I am waiting. I am waiting in reality but with Hope. Im not sure what the results will be, but I will post them sometime today or tomorrow. Even if it is negative I have learned so much in this journey and God has taught me so many things about myself and my relationship with Him. I know I will be upset and devastated, but I also know that He does have a plan. If its positive then it proves just what an amazing God we serve.