Our "special" life

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Our newest addition!!

We have a new addition to the family!! We went to pick up one puppy and ended up leaving with two!! They were the only two left and my husband is a sucker for puppies. We got a little girl and a little boy boxer. The little girl had a hurt foot. We thought it would get better but after a few days there was no improvement. The vet said she had a fractured ankle. So, we returned her. I was so sad. But we still have the little boy! His name is Drake and he is precious!! He loves to cuddle but is so wild and crazy at the same time! He takes after his mother. haha! Diesel our 1 1/2 year old boxer thinks Drake is his play toy! Diesel has been our baby since right after we were married and you can tell he is sooo worried his spot in the bed is going to be taken. We love our new addition. :)

Here is SD with both of the puppies! We loved her too!

The picture below is Mr. Drake himself! Isn't he soo cute!


Blogger Unknown said...

Oh my gosh! Those puppies are so adorable! I want one!!!

December 31, 2008 at 1:10 PM  

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